Sunday, July 12, 2009


The wind had brought the news
Water has come up with its meaning
Expectations had ranged million dreams
While the flames of fire to enjoy the waves of life
If the leaves do not fall where it will fly to find the nest
Beating with a million lives a new dream
The birth was natural approve
Make me with filling all surface
Multi-level care to live with the promise of hope dreams
When evening comes you will come
Longing to my lover unbearable
When do you leave a tight hug
When the sun comes disisiku you will there?
Every second of waiting was very tormenting
Morning birdsong reassuring my soul


Anonymous said...

Bulan setengah purnama.
Bintang tak satupun mengerdip.
Malam yg mencuat oleh cahaya bulan,
seakan hampa tanpa bintang.
Adakah satu kesalahan, hingga bintang menghilang?
Pada rindu yang tiada terbatas
Kunanti kau dalam sepi malam..

bond008 said...

bila hanya terbatas kabut..
akukan peluk butiran embun yang merana dingin
rasakukan merasuk dalam tulang dan sunsum..
menahan bagaikan mengerang
meratap dengan deritan bambu sore